Louisa Ben

French photographer born in 1995
Lives in the Paris area (France)


Giving a central place to the portrait, Louisa Ben practices a documentary photography which seeks to show a social reality a priori invisible.
After a training in photography at the ETPA of Toulouse and a first project on the daily life in the face of violence in Colombia, Louisa Ben moved to the Paris region where she produced reports for the press, while developing her personal documentary projects.

With MP#02, Louisa Ben questions her Moroccan origins and throws confusion into the territorial and identity assignment by presenting portraits of young women whose nationality and place of residence she does not specify. With this series Yelli, she weaves an autobiographical story where a situation experienced by a whole youth tense between Here and Elsewhere is expressed.

“My father’s name is Lahoucine. My mother is Chantal. I was three years old when I made my first trip to Morocco. I grew up with the idea that I was French, it was others who sent me this double belonging. In France I am not totally from here, in Morocco not totally from there. When I grew up, I wanted to understand where I came from. There, I met young women of my generation, who could have been sisters, cousins or friends. In France, I met young immigrants or descendants of immigrants, with whom I had the feeling of sharing a part of my history. I brought together these two youths who were distant and close at the same time.”