Maxime Michelet

French photographer, born in 1994
Lives in the Paris region (France)
Driven by a keen interest in questions of territory and identity, Maxime Michelet turned to a self-taught practice of photography 7 years ago.
From queer corporality to the virilist norms of the French Southwest, through the socio-spatial inequalities of American and South African cities, his projects deal with the place – left or claimed – of the solitary body in the social environment.
With MP#02, Maxime Michelet will, among other things, pursue and deploy his subject My sisters and brothers. By recreating, with adult siblings, daily or solemn scenes, he undertakes to explore with malice but also violence the question of the relationship of the individual to the family.
“In family albums, the first photos, proofs of our existence, do not tell us alone… Naked in the bath, under the Christmas tree, on the sand, portraits in their Sunday best, they put us on stage alongside those who share, through intimacy and age, our world. My sisters and brothers recreates some of the moments, silliness or sacraments that make the life of siblings. From meals to games, from the garden to the couch, from laughter to mourning, complicit or solemn times are reborn in the form of tableaux exalting brotherhood and sisterhood.
The conjunction of these multiple scenes draws a world: a world of linked bloods, of rivals yet allies, of our last supports, because they were there first. Each sibling has its own staging capable of symbolizing the singular bonds that unite them.”